
Thursday, August 3, 2006

At the Border

Jim and his dad are crossing the Guatemalan border this morning. Please pray that it goes smoothly. It only takes about 3 hours to get to Guatemala City from there and that is where they are going to pick me up and drop Larry off. Jimmy said that they had to go 1,000 miles into Mexico before they were stopped at a military check point. About six guys with assault rifles stopped them. There was a Hummer with a .50 cal pointed at them too. They both got out for questioning. One of the men started talking to Jim’s dad in Spanish. He yelled for Jim to come and translate. Jim said he was trying to ask if he could open the back of the truck. Jimmy’s dad said, “Why would he ask, he has the gun.” Jim told them he was a missionary moving to Guatemala. They really like Jim’s truck bed cover and wanted to see how it worked. Please pray for their health, they are both exhausted. Thanks!

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