
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Back In Xela!

Xela is the Indian name for Quetzaltenango. Last night we got back from Guatemala City. Over the last week we have gone from nearly 9,000 ft to around 300 ft, back to 9,000 ft... your body really feels that. At first I thought I had the flu! You really notice it when you try to take a deep breath.
Claire gave me a crash course in oil painting. I was so surprised with the finished project. I am not artistic at all so Claire must be a really good teacher (even though she laughed at my red boat)!

Tonight Nery and Xiomara came over to Larry & Claire’s for dinner. They wanted to talk about their future plans. Please pray that God would show them where He would have them after Nery graduates from seminary next year. It is very difficult for national pastors when they are starting out in a new city or village because many times there are not jobs available so that they can support their families while there church is growing. They make such big sacrifices.

Wilder and Helen came over later too. They are our language instructors. They are in the center in the picture below.
Our container is scheduled to be delivered on Monday. I am trying not to get excited just in case. They made us pay more money, but our moving company State side is trying to get it back for us.

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