
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Prayer Request

Last night we went to Helen’s graduation (one of our Spanish tutors). She got her license in economics. A license, we think, is similar to a Master’s degree in the States. She is now qualified to teach at the university. When she started, there were 450 people in her class. She is the only one who graduated. Very few Guatemalans ever finish school.
Afterwards there was a party for her at the Seminary. She has several family members who are not saved, so she asked Larry to preach. Everyone who was there heard the plan of Salvation. Please pray that God will use that to work in their hearts.
On Sunday we drove past the football stadium and saw all these Guatemalans in the trees. They got to watch the game for free!
I thought this was cute! These are some of Claire’s babies at the children’s home. They were all downstairs for awhile on fumigation day.
We met this man in the Petén. He is 84 years old and has a 34 year old wife and a 1 year old baby.

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