
Friday, January 5, 2007


Today I took Jimmy to the doctor. It was a new experience. I took pictures, but I cannot get them from my cell phone to my computer. It is hard to explain, because the facilities and equipment seemed third world, but the doctor was very competent and made us feel very at ease. Jimmy had some blood work done (we watched them take the needles out of their packaging) and found out that he has amoebas and a GI infection. He tested positive for malaria too at first, but the doctor sent his blood work to another lab and that one came back negative. So if the drugs for the first two ailments do not fix him up, we will get some malaria medicine next. We think that he picked these amoebas up from my cooking class, so I am taking that medicine too. He has lost 21 lbs, but is already feeling better just from the comfort of knowing what it is and for 24hrs on Cipro. Thank you for praying for him and please continue!

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