
Saturday, January 13, 2007

And Then There Were 3

Only 3 days left with Jimmy’s parents. TIme has flown by. Jimmy is preaching tomorrow at Abundant Life Baptist Church, so please pray for him. This will be the first time that his parents get to hear him preach in Spanish.

I finished this short video to make room on my computer for all the new video with Jimmy’s parents, it is clips from driving in Guatemala... it is very different.

Big praise... we took the dogs to the vet today. Fije’s tumor has not returned. She was so happy to go home with us and not have to stay at that scary place. Please pray that God will continue to keep her healthy. Thanks!
Unfortunately I saw another mouse scurry by in my kitchen tonight, so Jimmy and his mom stuffed all the holes they could find that might lead to outside with steel wool.
We ate supper with Juan and Andrés tonight. We had fun! These guys have been so faithful. They are starting at the seminary in 2 weeks. I know God has big plans for them.

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