
Saturday, February 3, 2007

A Thanksgiving Service

Tonight we went to Thomas Sop’s church. The Boggs started this church 16 years ago. The people have been praying and saving for electricity. This week they finally got it.
Tonight was a celebration for the first service with electricity. When they turned the lights on they set off firecrackers and then everyone prayed a prayer of thanksgiving.
Larry preached and afterwards they served everyone paches. Tonight they were made of potatoes. They are wrapped in banana leaves and usually have a little meat in them.

On friday after class, all the students from the seminary played the teachers in football.
The teachers won... 9 to 8!
{Job is in the gray shirt above}

Tomorrow we are going to San Marcos to Job’s church with the Boggs. We are really thankful for the opportunity to visit all these different churches and see different ministries in this culture. This will be very helpful to us later on.

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