
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

They're Here!

We are so excited to have Jimmy’s parents here. It is so strange because we feel like we are on a different planet from everybody we know and then to have someone familiar here is a new experience. Jimmy has already planned an itinerary. We are interested to hear someone else’s perspective of Guatemala, to see if the initially strange things have already become common place to us.
Please pray that nobody gets sick. That would really be a downer to the trip. We are excited to be able to show them around so that they can put a place or a face with a name. It will be really neat for us to be able to spend some time with them and talk about more of our plans and heart for the future.
Yesterday Jimmy gave the doggies a bath so that they would smell good for his parents. They were not very happy about this... Lucha even decided to protest. She kept looking for ways to get dirty again and ended up getting two more baths before we left our house today.

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