
Thursday, February 8, 2007

Languages, Languages, Languages...

First a Praise: Believe it or not, we already got my truck back. It starts now and I have a rearview mirror and something that is vital here sometimes... a horn!

Jimmy has Greek class this morning, so please pray for him. He has a very diverse class with some only having a 6th grade education. It is difficult to learn a second language without a good grammar background in your first. Last week he had to explain what direct and indirect objects are. His students are all very smart, they just all have not received the same education opportunities.

There are many ways that people from the States can get involved here in Guatemala. The more help from people with different experience and gifts the better! We have added a “Participate” page to our website if you are interested in planning a missions trip. We need some wordless skits or some that just need a narrator. There is a talented writer from our home church in KS, Amy Williams, that has started working on these for us. We are so thankful for her enthusiasm! These are going to be perfect to use with teams that come down and they do not even have to speak Spanish.

Please continue to pray for my Spanish. I have gone through all the tenses that you use everyday, I just have Subjunctive left (which doesn’t even exist in English). I want to be finished by the end of May in order for us to start learning Q’eqchí’ in June. It is one thing to know all the rules, it is another for your brain to get in gear and to speak without hesitating. Right now I am just really good at correcting myself. If someone would have told me 2 years ago that I would have to learn 2 languages, I would have told them they were nuts! Please pray. Poor Jimmy, at night he studies for his Greek class while I talk to him in Spanish and he corrects me in English. Most of the things we say to each other don’t even make sense anymore on the first attempt.
Often I go to central park and eat lunch with Linda. For a long time she thought I really liked food from Miami. She would ask, “Is this like Miami?” Finally I realized that she thought I was saying “Miami” when I would say “Yummy!” Now whenever anything taste good we say it’s from Miami!

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