
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We’re All In Xela

We picked my parents up from the airport and then we all went to eat lunch at Chili’s in Guatemala City... we try to work our way to the real Guatemala one step at a time.
We are in Xela now. My dad said that he could live here if he never had to drive anywhere! My parents brought us all kinds of goodies. My favorite thing were homemade cookies that my mom would always make at Christmas time. She brought them packed in nice tupperware containers for me to keep. My mom also put together a video from our family and friends and of course our Beagle Bella! Thank you to everyone who sent us messages, it was awesome to watch it! My friend Jeannie sent down a present for me to open on my birthday in May and one for our anniversary in June... she is so cute!

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