
Saturday, March 17, 2007

About a House

Yesterday we got a phone call from Byron, our tuk tuk driver in the Petén. On our survey trip, he said that he would keep his eyes open for a house for us. I never really thought that we would hear from him again. He called to tell us that he knew of a house for rent with a real kitchen and a wall around it. One of the bedrooms even has a closet. He said that they wanted $400 a month for it. I am sure that is the gringo price, but it is better that the others we have heard about. We might be leaving next Friday to go up and look at it. Byron is part Q’eqchi, so maybe he is also our link to a Q’eqchi tutor. Please pray that God gives us wisdom. We met another man while we were there that said he would help. We are hoping that he could show us some houses too, while we are there. Like most people, money is tight right now for us. We are still trying to play catchup from our move to Guatemala and now we are moving again and will have more start up costs. God knows and has promised to meet our needs, so we will all see Him work!

We got a really sweet email today from a lady who found our podcast on iTunes. She takes regular missions trip to Guatemala. We were hoping it would bring us into contact with more people interested in missions!

Tomorrow we are going to Huehue to Luis’ church. He asked Jimmy to teach Sunday school. This is where the medical team is going in May to help open a door for Luis’ church to start a new work in a rural mountain area. We are going to look at some hotels for them tomorrow and talk over some more plans with Luis. We really did not expect to get to be part of something like this outside of the Petén. We are very excited! Please pray for our safety tomorrow as we travel, it is about 2 hours away.

Thank you for the recipes and please keep them coming!

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