
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Finding a Home In Petén

Today we got to go back to New Horizons. Jimmy talked to the mayor... her name is Beatriz.
At first she was a little hesitant. He told her we were missionaries, but then said that we were baptist... and her face lit up. Just like last time when we were there, she remembered a baptist missionary who had came to their village for a month and built some outhouses. We are very thankful for these outhouses! We asked her about starting a children’s program in July and if we could help out in the community. Jim’s brother Jon and his friend Kyle are coming in July to help too, so we thought we could paint in the school or community center. She said there is a community meeting this month and the leaders will vote on it. She was very kind to us and seemed excited. Please pray that God will open a door. Jimmy gave her our number and she is supposed to get to a phone and call and let us know. She might even call us to come and talk to the leaders in April.
{Community Center}

Here are some of the houses in the village.
This is our new grocery store called the Dispensa. This store has about 2 isles of groceries and then the rest is toiletries and cleaning supplies. We were actually very thankful for all the things we found. I think if we would have moved here straight from the States we would have been in shock, but we have a different perspective now. There are some things we will stock up on from Guatemala City, but most is just preferences not necessities.
We are concerned about finding a house. There are no real estate agents here, no newspaper to look at listings. Who moves to the Petén, so why would anyone have rental houses?
{Our tuk tuk ride.}

We did hire a tuk tuk to drive us around to places he knew of. His name is Byron. He said he would ask around and then take us to some new places tomorrow.

We were blown away today, everything that has a real roof and glass windows is over $500 a month and is very tiny. We are out here in the middle of nowhere. Please pray that God will provide us with a home.
{Most of the houses looks like this}

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