
Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Week of Outreach

We have been making plans for our first outreach in New Horizons. We were not planning on a team coming down, but God just worked everything out. It is the youth group from my home church in Jacksonville, so we wanted to plan some activities to take advantage of them! These are our ideas so far. I have asked Linda about some of our ideas just to make sure they are culturally relevant.

Thursday: Kids' Day
face painting

Friday: Ladies' Day

Saturday: Men's Day
soccer tournament

Sunday: Family Day

Today during Jimmy’s Greek class he told the guys our ideas and they were very excited too. They said it would be very effective and helped us with some details that we would not have thought of ourselves. Several want to come with us and help. It is important to have other Guatemalans with you. Many of them said they want to use these same ideas in their churches.

The purpose of this outreach is to make relationships in this village. Everything will build up to the last night where we can show a christian film and give the plan of salvation. We will not give anything away during these days other than our friendship. We do not want them to think they need to please us in order to get more things from us. There decisions must be sincere. We desire changed lives and plan on investing years of our lives in discipling the people that truly do accept the Lord.

Please begin to pray for this outreach in New Horizons. It will be one of the last 2 weeks in July.

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