
Monday, April 2, 2007

Rain Already?

Every time I go to the market it rains, even during the dry season. Our house is flooding. We thought that we would be moved before it started raining again. I wish I could describe how much water is in our house right now.
The property manager never gets the man over to our house that is supposed to fix anything. Our stairs have water standing on them. Lucha is so cute, she takes one step at a time so she doesn’t slide down them.
This was the first time Lucha experienced rain. She wanted to go outside to sniff it. She licked some rain up and then decided it was too much like the baths that she hates, so she asked to come in. Afterwards she barked at us to tell us she did not appreciate us taking so long to open the door.
Linda and I went to the market today. She walked by this cow leg and said that she wanted to eat that piece all by herself! She was helping get some prices on fabric for curtains in our new house. Thick curtains do a whole lot to help keep a room cool when you do not have air-conditioning. (We will have one for our bedroom). The Petén is the hottest place I have ever been. Our new house has 12 foot ceilings, that should help with the heat, but it also has several windows in every room. Please pray that I can find some good deals on fabric to at least get some curtains up in the main living space.
Today I found some fabric and Linda asked how much it cost. The man told her one price and then when he saw that I was going to buy it he changed the price and said that he never quoted the other one. (Usually having Linda with me gets me the good price too) I tried to ask him some other questions and he just acted like I was not there... I get that sometimes, Jimmy does too. I am not sure why, some people just do not like North Americans, most are very friendly though. Jim and I know which people in which stores give us fair prices now. Soon we will have to start from scratch with the market in the Petén.
Juan and Andrés’ mom came to church with them yesterday for the first time. Please pray for her. Her sons are so faithful and desire for their mom to know the Lord. Their two little brothers have been watching their example and said that they want to be missionaries too.

We also have another personal prayer request if you could pray for it right now as you read. Thanks!

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