
Friday, April 11, 2008

Celebrating a Life

After three years of asking God for a child, He allowed us to get pregnant with our first baby.

We had been planning since January to come back to the States for 3 meetings, long before all the ruckus started in New Horizon. Since we were pregnant and knew of certain issues we had that might be of concern we made the decision to stick with our plan and fly to the States Monday.

We started having our first complications right as we were getting off of the plane in Wichita on Tuesday. After the ultrasound later that day we knew something was wrong. Less than 24 hours later we lost our first baby at 6 weeks 6 days. God’s timing is perfect. It was so merciful that He waited until we were with family and around doctors who could tell us what to expect. We got to see our baby in my uterus, which is a huge accomplishment! Through all of this He has been very gentle with us. We have felt Him loving on us this entire time. We know that our child is in heaven with Him and are thankful that God has allowed us to be parents and thankful for the time we had with our little surprise blessing.

This child was a gift. Everyone in New Horizon rejoiced with us. They are eagerly expecting Yimito (“little Jimmy”). This child allowed us to seem more human to them. They kept asking us if we were going to move back to the States when he was born. They always smiled when we said he would grow up in Guatemala and speak Spanish better than us! This baby accomplished a lot in his short little time. He brought so much joy.

We are sharing all of this so that you can rejoice in this life with us and know that God’s plan is perfect. He has brought us to Guatemala. We knew that by moving there we might never have a child. We knew the issues we had and that all the medical help and tests were far away. God took care of all of that for us. God never left us there alone. We have sensed His presence and hand through all of this.

We appreciate all of your prayers. This may be hard to understand, but this is very private and we do not want to talk about this with anyone. We do not want anyone assigning a purpose to God’s plan, we are already trusting Him with that. Please no fertility advice or challenges to use our time without kids... believe me we are! Just know that your prayers are enough. Thanks for understanding.

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