
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Moving Again

We found a rental house in El Chal! Stephen found it for us and we looked at it today. It is the first we have seen where the walls go all the way to the ceiling! The rent is $73 a month plus electricity and water. This was the first offer Jimmy made and the owner did not even argue. We are going to be fixing it up a little so that is why we got it at that price. We will be able to save money while we build... now we just need to find some land to buy. Our lease here is up at the end of May, so that is probably when we will move. It is going to be a little different!
It is fenced in which is great for our dogs and vehicles. All the windows have bars, so it is very secure. All the outside doors are metal. We will probably put barb wire up so that kids will not climb over.
The living room
The view from the front door.
This is the kitchen/dining room & Stephen.
Bedroom with the indoor bathroom.
There is another bathroom outside for some reason.
This is the bathroom. We will be back to a water heater attached to the shower head. We will buy a cistern and a pump to use there and then move it to our new house when it is finished.
There are 3 other bedrooms, so hopefully all of our ministry supplies will fit.

There are no inside doors, so we will have to find and instal some if we want any.
We are very thankful for Stephen’s help with this. God just keeps leading us to the right people. We can start fixing it up a little at the beginning of May.

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