
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Drama

Thank you for praying for our kids’ drama! I enjoyed watching the kids’ reactions as more and more adults showed up. They were filled with nervous excitement, especially to have their parents there. We had a mom and dad come for the first time, plus 2 other first time moms. We also had an older sister who just started her own family come. The parents who are Christians and come faithfully were proud to have their kids as part of the Bible study. The new parents were surprised to see all the work that their kids have been doing and learning about for the past year. There were a couple kids whose parents wouldn’t come. Please pray that God will encourage them, I know they were disappointed. I will never understand why a parent wouldn’t walk 5 minutes to our building to show their kid they cared. Please pray that these kids especially will sense God’s love and how much He cares about them. One guy’s dad told him he had to move their horse to a new grazing area right when it was time to start. He did it intentionally so that his son would have to miss his part. So... we have a long way to go, but we are not the only 2 anymore. There are other Christians now who want to help us reach their own people! Please keep praying for NH. Here is the music video portion of the drama that we all had fun putting together:

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