
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Couture Costumes & Men’s Day

Our team members all made it home safely. We were so thankful for each one of them. My mom is staying for 4 extra days! We are making costumes and props for our Christmas drama. I’m so glad she is here. She is a big help, plus I love being with my mom!

Men’s Day was a success! We had 8 teams in the tournament plus many came to watch.
This year’s goals were much nicer than last year’s. We ordered them several weeks ago, but Jimmy and his dad were still in Santa Elena until late the night before waiting for the metal worker to finish them. Jimmy’s dad brought nets to put on them too.
2nd place team

Jimmy’s dad scored the winning goal during a shootout that put his team into the championship game!
Jason sharing his testimony
1st place team

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