
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Glad Today Is Over

Today was the most frustrating day EVER! Between my video camera and half my kids being gone, the day really never had a chance. Not really sure why this drama is so difficult... if something could go wrong it has. For example, this is just a little thing in the sea of ridiculous things to choose from, we only could find a blond baby doll in the market to be baby Jesus. Jimmy decided to permanent marker his hair black (I was just going to wrap the doll in white fabric and no one would have know the difference, but we have already covered that today.) After all the kids touch it wondering why the doll is sooooo funny looking, now our baby Jesus’ face is completely black... so much for racial accuracy. There are also black fingerprints on everything that was touched after the baby’s hair.

On a positive note... as effort to put today behind us... here is a clip of our video. It is Romans 5:8. The adults like seeing themselves on camera too!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: We were behind this truck the other day in the city. There are no mirrors on this truck. All 3 are gone.

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