
Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So we have been working on our dream of a Kekchi Seminary here in Petén. It still seems like forever away. We have a team of pastors scheduled to come in June to teach another module of classes to the pastors we met in the SW part of Petén. What we eventually want is an established 3-4 year college where Kekchi men and young people can come and be equipped for ministry and life. We want to help ground them in doctrine and give them the tools they need to have a successful, and productive ministry. We also want to teach them a trade to help them support their families.

We have a very talented friend who just came down on our last team. She has been designing several logos for us to choose from. It pays to hang around people smarter and more talented than yourself!

We already have a website, so we just need to meld the two and we will be up and running. We thought about having a vote, but we already picked our favorite! Thank you so much, Leslie, for all of your hard work!
CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: We went to the city to buy some groceries, but this time we couldn’t find any bacon. Jimmy asked if it was in a different place. They told us, “No, it is out of season.”

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