
Thursday, January 15, 2009

More Land

Cristina’s boyfriend, our friend that cooked us Thanksgiving dinner and owns Las Puertas, took us to look at land in San Francisco. It will take us a while to build, so we need to buy land soon so that this is the last rental house we fix up. Carlos, Cristina’s boyfriend, said that San Francisco is his favorite town in Guatemala. We keep hearing good things about it. It is full of doctors and lawyers who do not want to live in the violent city. It is really a beautiful quaint town, much more educated than where we live now. We call it the “Promised land”!
We looked at several lots. We want something away from the main road (too noisy), but close enough to neighbors to not be dangerously off by ourselves. This one has a dirt road on 3 sides. It is down the street from the first gas station that is going up. The soil is good and it is nice and flat. We are concerned about the size. It is only 1/4 of an acre. The owner called us on Tuesday and lowered the price to $4,000. They do not finance things here, so we would have to talk to him about making a down payment and then giving him the rest over the next couple months. Please pray that God gives us wisdom. This is the lowest price yet.

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