
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sat Sun Bible Studies

We missed 2 weeks in Santa Rita plus it is still vacation time here, so we were not sure how Saturday would go. We had 17 come inside for the adult time. We are so thankful. There are several men who have not missed a week. There were about 6 that just stood outside to listen. We are so excited about what God is doing in Santa Rita.
We have 3 little light bulbs for this large room, so that is why the pictures did not turn out very good. Like New Horizon, none of the adults come until dark. There is not enough power to run the speaker. Right now we borrow tables from the school. The doors are broken on 2 of the classrooms. We have a team coming in February that will fix those, so we will not be able to “borrow” them much longer! We had several people give money towards supplies for Santa Rita. Please pray that all of this will come together. Like New Horizon we need to find our own place or at least a place where we can store stuff for now.
This is our team! These 2 guys (Carlos & Gerardo) go every week with us. Aquilino is a big help too. They are all so faithful. We are thankful that we have them to invest in.
We had 40 come for the Kids’ time.
We learned about Cain and Abel. I couldn’t figure out why Cain kept putting his offering on his head, but then I remembered where I was at... where do all heavy things go?
For some reason the kids think they have to use the same exact color as the example during the craft time.
New Horizon has been down since school let out in November for their 3 months break. Several of our teens have moved away to go to school. Our faithful ones are still coming. Please pray that we will be able to build it back up soon.
If we do not praise the Lord the rocks will cry out!
Lucha lets us know when she needs some lovin’! She doesn’t get a lot of attention when we are studying for the weekend.

Please pray for Jimmy, he has been having fever and chills. He also has a strange rash all over him. I am worried about him. Who knows what he has. Please pray the antibiotics we chose work. Plus when he is down, that is half of our team... there is too much to do around here!

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