
Friday, January 30, 2009

Some Very Important Prayer Requests

It is the time of year for both of the villages we are working in to vote on new town council members and officers. Santa Rita is finished with their elections. We do not know all of the results yet, but we do know of at least one of our friends that is still on the council and also the new president, Julio, has a daughter that has been coming to our Bible studies.

FIRST PRAYER REQUEST: Lesbia is going to meet with Julio tomorrow morning to ask permission for us to use her house for our Bible study. If he says yes, we could start meeting there as early as next week. It is already an answer to prayer that Lesbia wants us to use her house!
Lesbia’s house

SECOND PRAYER REQUEST: The elections in New Horizon will be in the next couple weeks. They are EXTREMELY important. Tania, the current president, has been our ally. God had the right president at the right time for us to get into and stay in the village. When the hippie, Marc, had us voted out, she wouldn’t write the letter asking us to leave. Please pray that one of the few who are still against us is not elected.

We had a blast in Santa Rita today. Carlos has been going with us to visit too. We have been learning where everyone lives in the village and who is part of which family. Just like in NH everyone has 2 names. It is like a giant puzzle. I am enjoying it! So far SR has been much more friendlier than NH (I think it is because they don’t have atheist hippies living among them.)
Josué, German, & José
Jesús, Rosalino, & Heriberto
I wish everyone could meet Bernabe, she has the most beautiful heart and a smile to match! Guatemalans don’t usually smile for photos unfortunately.

We looked at the property in San Francisco again today (where we want to build a house). The owner really wants to sell it to us and gave us an even better deal today. We think it is too small to have a one story house and a garden. There is property next door that would make it almost half an acre. If they decide to sell their property too, then this could be it! Please keep praying. Finding and buying land is a long process wherever you are.
The little plot next door.

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