
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Like Minded

There is nothing more encouraging to a missionary than to be around others passionate about missions. Not the talky fluffy kind of passion but the action kind of passion. Larry Boggs, our missionary mentor... that sounds so goofy... our missionary friend (Claire is our real missionary mentor... hehe) came a day early. We are missionaries in the same country, but haven’t seen him in a year.

Since I was the lone southerner I made Jiffy sweetbread to go with our dinner (less fortunate midwesterners refer to it as cornbread). Someone had the nerve to actually export that stuff from the States and put it in my PO Box!
Larry and Claire always bring presents. Larry picked these pots out for me. Claire and I have been on a pottery kick. It is hard to find large pieces in Petén, so it is sort of like a scavenger hunt... my whole life is like a scavenger hunt! I am going to swap out the plant to match the pots better, but I really like them on top of our new hutch.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying about our Kekchi Institute. Jimmy had two new interested pastors contact us before noon today! We also had some supporting pastors contact us already as well. Please keep praying!

One of our supporting churches set up a time for Jimmy to talk to them during their church service tonight over the phone. We sent pictures ahead of time. Jimmy got to give an update and then they passed a microphone around and had people ask him questions. I don’t think churches realize this is just as encouraging to the missionary as it is to the church about missions! We want people to stay as updated as possible so that they will pray specifically. They are interested in planning a trip to come teach a module and host an outreach in a Kekchi village.

Our Bible studies in SR were great on Saturday with a strong attendance in both studies. We should be able to start working on the new meeting place this week! New Horizon has been a little down during school vacation, it was down this time last year too. Please pray for this community. One of our new Kekchi teens came back for a second time, so that was a blessing!
Maruca doing her best Shelley imitation!

We still have a lot to get done tomorrow before our team gets here tomorrow at 6:30PM. We also will be visiting a contact Larry made while on furlough. It is an unsaved father of a Guatemalan he met in KS. Please pray for this man.

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