
Monday, February 23, 2009

One Room Down

We are still painting in Santa Rita. We went Friday and we will probably go most everyday this week to finish up the other 5 classrooms. Quincho has been helping us. It is fun. People come by to talk, it has been a great way to get to know people. This has really been a great outreach!

The wife of one of the team members sent down 3 suitcases worth of supplies for the teachers. We sorted everything out by grade and presented it to them today. It was fun to see them go through their boxes of goodies. The third grade teacher said, “The fence, the paint, the flowers, what more could we ask for!” We are so thankful for our teams they make so much more possible! One said that we had done more to help the school than the minister of education. We always tell them it is all from Christians in the States. This has really communicated God’s love.

Ana, Carlos, & Marcos received Bibles last night. Marcos and Carlos just moved to New Horizon for school. They are Kekchi. They have not accepted Christ yet, but haven’t missed a week. Ana is the daughter of the old president in Santa Rita. Please pray for all of them to come to know the Lord soon.

Please pray for the kids time in NH. The Catholic church is causing problems again. I only had 4 yesterday. They keep changing their time to conflict with ours and then harassing people who come to ours. Everyone is so afraid. We are going to hold the kids time in the morning next week to throw them off. Religion is sending so many people to Hell.
The boy in the above picture is Alex. His stepdad is Quincho’s uncle. He is in the running to be the next president of New Horizon. We are friends, but we are trying to keep that a secret, so he will still get elected! His name is Parvil. Please pray for this upcoming election. He told us he thinks things are going to be much easier for us in the village soon. We are not sure what he meant by that, but it was encouraging none the less. He spoke to Jimmy a couple months ago about Quincho’s attitude. He knew that Quincho really respected Jimmy and thought maybe he could encourage him to be more respectful and helpful to his mom. Sunday Jimmy ran into Parvil and he told him that Quincho had stopped by his house the other day. Parvil said his demeanor had completely change.d Quincho even told him that he had accepted Christ. He said that he saw a big difference in him. We are so proud of him!!!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: Anytime we are away from home. Quincho sleeps on a hammock on our back porch, guards our house, and feeds our dogs. The team brought down beef jerky for Jimmy and he has made such a stink about it, that we all know that he doesn’t want to share any of it. Well Quincho called us to ask about the Chicken jerky that had been left on our porch. He knew if it was Jimmy’s he wouldn’t have left it there, so he wanted to know what was going on. We told him it was for the dogs. Since it wasn’t Jimmy’s he decided to try some. He called us back to say it wasn’t very good. Then he asked what the dirt was for. We didn’t understand that part until we got back. He had never seen one of those little pouches that comes inside food sometimes to absorb moisture and preserve freshness. He thought it had to be a seasoning. Since the first slice of chicken wasn’t good he thought maybe he was supposed to use the “seasoning” packet. So he ate another one with “seasoning” on top. He said, “It tasted like dirt!”

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