
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 9: Something Extra!

My parents went to the NICU with us tonight. Jonah and Silas had a new nurse, Susan, that let all 4 of us in together. The rule is 2 people at a time, but we have 2 kids, so no one ever knows what the rule is for twins. Some nurses let us all in and others don't. Well Susan called the NP on duty and got permission to write it in Jonah and Silas' charts as an order to each let us bring someone in with us! So now grandparents will always be allowed in at the same time! I feel bad for Jimmy's parents when they read this. They missed this privilege by a day.

Tonight Jimmy gave up his Jonah hold time so that my parents could hold one of their grandsons for the first time. Now both of our boys have been loved on by grandparents It was wonderful to see!

1 comment:

  1. Such precious moments...I'm sure they can feel the love of their grandparents too...those are some blessed little boys!
