
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Great Meeting Today!

Jimmy had a meeting at a new church today in western KS. He woke up at 3:30 and drove on ice for 3.5 hours to get there. 26 degrees is a lot different from Petén... but it was worth it!
Jimmy showed our video and got to share about our ministry. Afterwards he had lunch with the pastor and his family. The pastor is a really cool guy and it sounds like he might end up on the mission field himself in a couple years! He wants to come down and hold a martial arts workshop as an outreach in our guerrilla communities. He used to work with Chuck Norris! He told Jimmy that he spoke to several people on the missions committee after the service and they all wanted to take us on. We will see!
Melissa got a quick family photo yesterday. Jon was already back at college. I really liked this one!
Jimmy leaves tomorrow morning to finally come back to me! It is a 21 hour drive, so he will be back sometime Tuesday.


  1. Although I'm glad he's leaving to get back to you, we are going to miss him. I should have photoshopped you & Jon in the photo before I sent it!

  2. Wonderful news, hope you are feeling well. It was good to see Jimmy and hear his update Wednesday night.
