
Friday, October 30, 2009

Life in the NICU Day 14: October 29

One of the neonatologists called us yesterday morning to tell us that we could start Jonah on his first bottle! He has taken off! He took 19 of his 25 ounces by bottle. He did so good... especially since he has first time parents who are learning with him!
The nurses let me hold both of my sons at the same time for the first time yesterday. I can't wait for them to be close again. We will get to watch them discover each other. We will see if the other's presence seems familiar or not.
Last night when we went in and I got to hold Silas he opened his mouth wide as though he was ready for a bottle... too cute! The NP was there and gave me permission to give him his second bottle for the day. She gave us even more tips on bottle feeding. We are getting so much training that we really need. Silas did spectacular! He is improving everyday along with his parents!
This is a huge blessing, the hospital has provided us with a hotel-like room to stay in across the street. It is right on the St. Johns River and is beautiful. It is for people with family members in the hospital and they let NICU parents stay there for free. We plan on moving in on Monday. This will make it so much easier as Jonah and Silas get more holds, bottle feedings and eventually mommy feedings.
This is the kitchen right when you come into the building.
This is the common area.
This is our beautiful room that is directly across the hall from the free washer and dryer!
This is our bathroom. It really is just like a nice hotel.

There are so many positive things going on but I do not take anything for granted. It is scary leaving them each time and worrying about germs and viruses. Watching them work so hard at things that would have been much simpler for them weeks from now breaks my heart. I cannot imagine going through this without a loving God. I am so thankful that He is watching over our sons. Please keep praying for Jonah and Silas as we praise Him for all the answered prayer!

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