
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby Showers

My Aunt Grace and her daughters threw me a family baby shower when we first got here. It was beautiful and so much fun to talk about babies with all my aunts and cousins. I learned about all kinds of family traits! I wish I had taken more photos!
Our friend Rebecca who has been to Guatemala tons of times to visit us threw us a wonderful shower at Trinity. As missionaries we do not get to be here to celebrate all the special moments in our family and friends' lives, so the fact that they would celebrate ours while we are here really means a lot to us.
It was so great seeing old friends! My roommate from my sophomore year in college came and I hadn't seen her in 7+ years!
Here are some of the cute decorations Becca made! One for Silas and one for Jonah!
Thank you to everyone who came to our shower and celebrated our little boys' lives with us!