
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

They're Home!

Jonah and Silas were discharged from the NICU this morning and we have been enjoying them all day! Thank you so much for your prayers for our boys. The fact that they got to come home the same day is a specific answer to prayer! They both weigh 5lbs, 11oz.


  1. Congratulations!! That is such great news! Wow, they're really home. :-) Just FYI, they may stay pretty sleepy for several weeks... I remember wondering when my little guy would ever wake up for anything but eating! haha Funny enough, in the NICU they always had to wake him at every feeding, so when we got home I had set my alarm to wake him every 3 hours at night. Uh, didn't need that! He woke up to eat just fine on his own, even at night! LOL I bet your little ones will do the same. Looking forward to seeing pics of them as they grow!

  2. I am so glad they didn't have to be separated!!! I'm so happy for you guys. Right's your first night at home with them! It may be tiring, but you'll never be tired for a better reason. I'll pray for you tonight! :) ~ Dara

  3. Hurray for my boys! And you guys are AWESOME parents...

  4. YAH!! That's great news. I know you are glad to have them home!

  5. Can't wait to hear how your first night went too!! :)

  6. I have gotten to hold my little guy several times today so mom and dad could get some sleep. What a blessing to have them here with us, they are adorable. Jim and Shelley are wonderful parents!!!!
    What a beautiful loving family!

  7. Yeah! That is great news! The Lord has answered all the prayers for Jonah and Silas. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers! Enjoy having your sweet babies at home FINALLY! - Tiffany (Talking Rock Baptist)
