
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy To Be Home!

Jimmy's mom and I traveled to Petén with the boys on Saturday. The boys were absolutely perfect on all 3 flights. We were praying all day long and God made that day so easy on us. Jonah and Silas garnered lots of attention. I figured most people would cringe when they saw two babies boarding their plane, but since they were twins we were greeted with delight! By the way, heads up to introverts who are having twins: Many people, which include complete strangers, will stare at you (evidently the idea of twins is quite entertaining) and the rest will feel compelled to strike up conversations with you. Jonah and Silas are so stinkin' cute, I would stare at them too... but I'm their Mommy!

We flew Continental to Guatemala City. We didn't want to pay one penny extra for baggage, so we called the airline ahead of time to make sure we understood their policies. With the babies we got 2 more extra pieces of luggage plus their double stroller and car seats. Remember we are sleep deprived. Well, somehow we forgot to check Taca's policies which is what we fly on from Guate to Petén. When Melissa and I got to Guatemala City, Taca was telling me they were going to charge me $196 for each extra bag. There was nothing I wanted in Petén bad enough to justify $392 to get it there. So Melissa had the idea to buy one ticket for one boy and then we would get 2 pieces of luggage with that. But the plane was full. Then I tried to cash in our sky miles for free luggage. The lady said you could only do that at one of their offices. This involved a taxi ride and wasn't even a sure thing. So there we were, flat out of ideas and options. About 5 minutes later someone came up behind me. It was the lady from behind the Taca counter. She said, "I talked to my manager and he said that you could take those 2 pieces of luggage for free if you are just flying one-way to Petén." Yay! This NEVER happens with us and airlines, especially in Guate. God just fixed that problem for us. This is what our entire day was like. Thank you to everyone who prayed for our trip.
Looks like the boys are loving their new home!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: I had breast milk in my carryon in case the boys needed a bottle on the plane. It set off the liquid explosives sensor when we went through airport security in Wichita.


  1. Welcome home!! Glad you made it and are getting settled in. What a blessing to read about your luggage. God is Good!!

  2. Thank you for letting me come along. I love sharing those experiences with you!

  3. Explosive breastmilk? Now THAT explains the boys and their hearty growth!!!

    So glad the trip home went well!
