
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ministry Micro

You all are aware that we have been “kicked out” of New Horizon, one of the ex-guerrilla communities in which we have been working for the last 2 years. The process to get back in will take anywhere from 6-10 months and is not a definite one, so in the meantime we want to continue working with the people in this community.

Our solution is to buy a used Micro-bus. With this we would be able to pick the people of New Horizon up on the highway, outside of the community, and nobody in the community would have any authority. We would bring the group to our house to have services. Doing this would also allow us to baptize and form a church, rather than just the Bible Study as it has been.

This “Micro” would also serve our teams, thus reducing the cost and eliminating the need to hire a driver. After selling our unreliable SUV, a used one will cost us around $15,000.

We mentioned this need in our latest update. Since then our home church in KS has already sent us half of the amount needed and other individuals have given as well. We are so thankful! I posted a thermometer on the side of the blog to keep track of funds we have received. Please be in prayer with us for this need so that we can soon find and purchase this ministry vehicle.

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