
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Open House

Invitations had already been sent out for a shower for us back in September when my doctor told me I was not going to be able to travel to KS (little did we know he was right). So Melissa had an open house for everyone to come meet Jonah and Silas before we left this past weekend.
Pretty Food!
There were many people who came that have been so supportive of us and our ministry in Guatemala. We are so thankful for them!
Leslie came down with the Newspring team to Guatemala. She found out that her and her husband were pregnant soon after we did... and with a boy!! She has a brilliantly creative mind, I love keeping in touch with her and seeing all of her creations.
She and her mom tie-dyed t-shirts for the boys all the way up through 12 months in wonderfully vivid colors. They even made a shirt for me!
I loved this photo because we were all enjoying the boys!

Thank you to everyone who came!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I'm so glad I got to see you with your gift! Glad you like them! It was so much fun doing each little onesie... imagining the boys wearing them... can't wait to see THOSE pictures. ;) Have a SAFE trip back. xoxo - Les
