
Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy 27th!

We celebrated Jimmy's birthday by having dinner at the Pizza Hut in Santa Elena. He's 27. We have been together for 26% of his life... pretty neat! The internet is a little faster there, so we got to Skype with Jimmy's parents (Jimmy's mom's birthday is the day before his.) It wasn't very clear, but they still got to see the boys and they sang happy bday to Jimmy! Of course the waiters sang too, but I only told them it was his birthday so that he would get some free ice cream... no such luck! Ha! They did bring Jonah and Silas both a red balloon and made a long formal speech... it was kind of funny! Jimmy got some homemade German chocolate birthday cake tonight, that's better than ice cream. The three of us are very thankful for our Jimmy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! Two little boys is a VERY special birthday present...even if you'll be forever sleep-deprived! :)
