
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Saying Goodbye Again

Jonah and Silas have been so blessed to be able to spend the first 4 months of their lives with their Grandparents around... yes, today they are 4 months old!

It was such a help having my mom here. The last 2 weeks flew by. We took her to the airport this morning.
The boys love spending time with their Grandma Kiki. I am so glad she got to see them again now that they grin back! Jonah knows what a smile is without you even saying anything. He can focus on our faces enough to see when we are smiling at him and he smiles back! Silas will just sit and talk to you all day long. He sounds like he is really trying to tell us something!
We are back in Petén now, we drove home from the capital today. This is our first go as a family of 4... plus a Lab... plus a Boxer... and the mouse that was in our kitchen when we got home. We will work on getting rid of him tomorrow!

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