
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Amy Is Here!

Amy arrived Friday evening! Besides letting Jimmy's parents fill up one of her suitcases with stuff for the boys, she brought down Cheeze-its for Jimmy, several bags of dark chocolate for me, and even bones for our doggies in her other bag... so sweet! We are so thankful that she is here and eager and willing to do whatever!

Yesterday she taped and painted one of the backdrops... that's one down and 2 (maybe 3) to go, so we are very happy about that!
Jimmy went to Jobompiche to pick up some props that we had ordered from our carpenter.
Nothing came back exactly like we had sketched it this time, but we are used to that! We got 2 lecterns for the 4 narrators. We will use these later for our Bible studies. We have been meaning to have these built for a long time.
We got light boxes made since it is going to be at night and a larger cross since this year our Jesus is taller than 4 feet! The scale isn't obvious in this picture, but if the cross was a steeple on the top of... say a building the size of a Super Target... it would totally look to scale. It is humungous! Mahogany is the "cheap" wood here, so everything is beautiful!

We have our first practice this morning at 9AM. Please pray that we get a good start and begin praying now that God will bless this outreach. Thanks!

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