
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Salvation Visuals

I have been trying to come up with as many ways as possible to explain and visualize the Gospel. I don't want the plan of Salvation to be rote memory to any of our people. To me just spouting off something memorized can make it a religion rather than a beautiful understanding that actually changes your life. Plus you never know what is going to make something click in someone's mind, thus the variety.

I made these in the States, bent over my parents' kitchen table while I was unknowingly in labor... ha! I was hoping to get them laminated there before we came back, so that was the rush. I spent hours on them and when I got them back they looked like they had been saran wrapped. I was sick about it to say the least. My mom and I tried to repair them, but you know I am just going to make them from scratch again... one day... when I have free time again... 18 years from now! I have used all of them several times already and they have been well received. The ones without words or with just a few words are especially helpful since they can be used in Kekchi.

1. The Salvation Cross: This one opens up into a cross as you explain it and then the last page talks about being a Child of God.

2. As Easy As 123...: This one is 1-God loves you and wants you to go to Heaven to be with Him, 2-But we are sinners, 3-God made a way, 4-The decision is yours. I go through each number and flip it around as we talk about it.

3. Colors: Basically the same as the wordless book, but related to something they recognize and love... crayons!

4. Poster Tract: The cross velcros on to cover "sin". I am planning on making other things to velcro on that people think will get them to heaven, like "being a good person" and having it be too short (since the cross reaches all the way to God).

5. Velcro Glove: I found this glove before Jonah and Silas were born. I bought an Old McDonald set to go with it. I use it when I sing with the boys and they love it. Then I thought why not use it to explain the Gospel. So I made these little figures out of felt. They have velcro sewn on the back. It is a red heart-God loves us, broken heart-sin, cross-Christ died and rose again, present-free gift, Bible-relationship with God. Now I am having way too much fun with this thing, the possibilities are endless. I am making more stories and songs for the boys. That's for another post!
I am posting this so that maybe others can use these ideas AND in hopes that maybe you will share any of your ideas with me! I want as many as possible! I am planning on making some for the Kekchi institute which is having a session next month to give as door prizes to the Kekchi pastors.


  1. You are so talented Shelley! We have a cube similar to the cross you made in our Sunday School Class and the kids love to go through it and open it up.
