
Thursday, May 6, 2010

The 30 Second Haircut

We cannot remember it ever being this hot here. There is no breeze and the inside of our house hasn't gotten below 85 at anytime day or night in the last month. I was getting tired of my hair always being a sweaty mess, so Monday right before we were going to leave for the Bible study I asked Jimmy to cut it. I never dreamed he would say yes... what husband in their right mind would?! We are clearly delirious from all the heat!

I thought he was bluffing! We went outside on the back patio and chop chop... there went 6+ inches of my hair. I love it! Jimmy's bravery paid off, now he's a hero!
It probably doesn't look short to anyone else, but it feels very different to me. When I have it in a ponytail it is not all stuck to the back of my neck anymore which makes a big difference in this heat.
We had a team arrive Tuesday evening. Among other things they will be teaching a module in the Kekchi Institute. Jimmy has spent hours and hours translating the course materials. They will be teaching two courses, Doctrines I and the book of James. We are very thankful for this team's willingness to make an eternal investment in these hard working Kekchi pastors.
Here they are during our planning meeting Wednesday morning. This is an awesome group! I hope they survive the heat and want to come back again! Please pray for them this week. Thanks!

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