
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Big One

... well it was to me. Saturday I turned 30. It was a little painful. Jimmy didn't help by pinching his fingers together and telling the boys, "Your mommy is this close to old." I can't be 30 yet. I thought I would be better at certain things by now... I still can't cook an egg 'over easy'.
Saturday afternoon we went to the island of Flores where they have just completed a stone walkway all the way around next to the water. It is screensaver beautiful... and that is where we get to live!
We had a lovely stroll to La Luna, one of our favorite restaurants. For dessert Jimmy had warm berries and ice cream and I had fried bananas and honey, with a candle in my ice cream!

God has blessed me so much. It was the best birthday ever. I had everything I ever wanted sitting at that table plus we all get to spend every day together at the tasks He has given us!


  1. YAY for a great birthday!!! Yall look so happy!!! Can't wait to see you!!!

  2. Happy late birthday!! Glad you had a good day. 30 was VERY hard for me and now I am approaching 40! yikes It can't be near as bad as turning 30 was, haha.

    glad to know they finished the walkway in Flores. We can't wait to see it!

  3. 30 is NOTHING compared to eternity. I love you for wanting to tell a people who are poor in spirit, who mourn for their loved ones, who are meek by heritage and who go hungry and thirst for the will be blessed for your endeavors.

    Matthew 5:3-16

  4. I can't cook eggs over easy either, but then-- I'm still a spritely young 28. ;) Happy belated birthday. :D

    (BTW- I found your blog via I'm really enjoying reading your posts. Thank you so much for sharing!)
