
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Handmade Home #1

We live in a Home Depot/Target/Walmartless world. It's more fun that way anyway! So in honor of scavenger thriftiness I am starting a new segment called "Handmade Home". It will be creations that make our life more efficient, cleaner, or just aesthetically pleasing!

I had been wanting a nicer looking soap dispenser because our plastic one from the States was scratched, and beat up from our hard water. One part empty vinegar bottle and one part hand sanitizer pump...
and we got a new glass soap dispenser which is much easier to clean.
The lilies in my kitchen had outgrown their pots so we replanted them outside. We got something they call squirrel tail plants to replace them, which I love. They came as hanging plants. The hanging baskets here are usually pretty crude looking, but for some reason these were nicer. They look like they were made from pieces of a chain-link fence.
With all the fresh veggies and fruit the boys have been eating I had piles of them laying on my countertops. So I hooked two planters together and reinforced the bottom with some extra wire and here ya go... no more veggie clutter!
Not sure if you can see in the photo, but the thermometer was reading in the 90's!

Since everything is about the kitchen today I thought I would throw in this photo.
Bubbles + Fans = Fun!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: I found this inside our backdoor the other morning. It is the largest one we have seen.

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