
Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Couple of 9 Month Olds!

Jonah was running a fever while the Daytona team was here, so we took him to a pediatrician here in Petén for the first time. We were pretty happy with that visit and he is literally 98% cheaper than their doctor in Guate, so since the boys don't need any shots this month we decided to save money and not drive to Guate for their 9 month check up. Silas caught whatever his brother had and still has a slight cough, but other than that they both got a great report.
They are so funny with Dr. Rojas. Silas is more outgoing, so he loved meeting the new doctor!
Jonah is a little more shy. He was polite at first, but after about a minute and a half he really wanted the good doctor to give him back to his mommy!
Is a little traveling man in his walker.
Talks non-stop and mimics our sounds.
Likes to eat and if he thinks you take too long in between bites (usually to help his brother), he tells you about it.
Loves to make raspberries with his tongue.
Sits up very well all by himself.
Has 2 teeth coming in!
Is a very easy going, happy little man!
Takes about 20 minutes to wake up all the way from a nap.
Has 4 teeth plus 2 more coming in.
Says "Mama" (but only when I am not in the room and he is looking for me).
Is quieter than his brother.
Is a mover! He climbs up on us when we are laying on the floor to try and stand up.
Sort of wobbly still when sitting up, but thinks he is ready to conquer walking.
Very good at feeding himself finger foods.

More baby milestones:
I was listening for the boys to wake up from their nap the other day and heard some giggling. I peeked into their room to see Jonah holding on to the side of his crib and Silas cheering him on. It was time to lower their mattresses!
Watching daddy:
Climbing on Silas' mattress while waiting:
Their first tuktuk ride!
Going swimming... in the kitchen:

1 comment:

  1. Perfect timing! I was having a Grandma moment of not being able to be with them until October!
