
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Teen Girls Outreach

We asked Becca to plan a teen girls outreach for while she was here. She brought down fleece to make these no-sew heart pillows!

The outreach was last week. We passed out invitations to the teens that come to our Bible study and told them that they could each invite one friend... and they did. It was a great opportunity for us to make some new contacts and begin building more relationships!

We served punch and cookies and just had girl talk!

They were very quiet at first, but soon got more comfortable and came out of their shells.

Becca shared a devotional from one of her favorite verses. We laminated cards with that verse on them and attached one to each pillow when they finished.

The day was a success!

Please pray for all of these young ladies (4 of them have accepted Christ). Pray that all will come to know the Lord one day and that we can encourage them in their walk with Him.

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: We saw another one of these on the highway on the way home a few nights ago. It was at least as big around as a baseball bat...

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