
Thursday, July 8, 2010

White Fields Day Three

This is from the last team. I am just a little late posting it.

Village #1: Santa Cruz Compuerto: 200 families, Campo Blanco.

There was a tropical storm going through on this day. When the team arrived in this first village it was pouring down rain.
The village was on the side of a hill, so you could see the people realize what was going on, come out of their houses, and walk down the mountain to come and watch.
Playing in the rain!
Wondering where everyone will fit... the team was too!
Squeezed in, no problem!
Will sharing his testimony!

Village #2: Nacimiento: 70 families, 1 poorly attended evangelical church. 1 family saved.

This is the one church in the village we were trying to help.
They made the team tamales and home made tostadas.
The rain let up just long enough to do the puppets and testimonies, but started again in time for the teens to do their skit and get all wet.
On the way to village #3 the team went through Tan Hoc. This was a village José and Domingo wanted to go to, but the request was rejected. The mayor and the people said that they do not want anything to do with God or the Bible in their village. Luis stopped the bus in the middle of the village and the team prayed for them before continuing on down the road.

Village #3: Esquipulas: 40 families, Campo Blanco.

The night before, José told Jimmy that he had cancelled the plans to go to this third village. He explained that a man had called him asking about receiving Christ after listening to the radio. After several attempts, José couldn't get a hold of him again, so he decided it was too far for the whole team to drive to when we weren't sure somebody even wanted us. Jimmy assured him that no matter the drive, if somebody was interested in salvation, we should go. The teenagers wholeheartedly agreed when we told them our plans.

Luis wasn't as positive... especially as he hit the bad part of the road.

He even got stuck one time. Everyone got out and Jimmy got in the mud to pry loose a boulder (it's a boulder now since this is the 3rd time I've told the story) stuck under the axle.
As they were driving around and through each obstacle (including two very shady looking bridges), he kept asking Domingo "Do other buses come through here every day?" Domingo replied that a bus just like Luis' comes through with no problem. When the team arrived at the village, they informed us that they were shocked to see us because a bus hasn't ever come through on that road before!

Jimmy recognized the village right away as one that the two of us along with Andy went to in July 2008 to do a medical clinic. You can read about that trip here.
During the movie, they found the guy that wanted to accept Christ. (He is in between José and Domingo in the photo below.) The Kekchi don't rush into any decision, so he said that if we would come back, he would accept Christ then. He said that he, his wife and two daughters will be ready to accept all at once.
Domingo and José were quick to set a date, so we are going back July 13th. The plan is to have a big service with music, preaching and tamales! They will be inviting the whole town to watch the family accept Christ. When they accept Christ, everybody will know about it! When told about the date that the family will be accepting Christ and the plans, two other families came forward saying that they too are interested in accepting Christ and are seriously thinking about it. After their statements, two additional families said that they weren't sure, but might possibly accept Christ too.

It is so exciting to have been here long enough to see "the rest of the story." The seeds that were started with a medical clinic two years ago, were helped along with both the involvement of the radio (the signal didn't reach here until Andy's church, Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church, bought a new tube that increased its coverage range) and this youth team, and will finally come to fruition on July 13th.

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