
Thursday, July 1, 2010

White Fields Day Two

Both of these villages are 1.5 hours down the street from our forever house land. That is part of the reason we chose that area, because of all the relatively close unreached Kekchi villages.

Village #1: Santuario: 80 families, 1 family has accepted Christ.

Taylor sharing her testimony.
Song time: José & Domingo led everyone in some songs in Kekchi and then the group sang some songs in English.
It started pouring rain during the skit. It was right out in the people, so a group of kids were standing right next to the teens as they went through the motions of the story. As the teens would move up and down the grass, the group of kids would follow them in order not to miss anything.
My mom and I went with the boys this day. Jimmy is always proud when he gets to take along his sons. It automatically makes him more relatable and permanent. Here in Petén females who are complete strangers are perfectly comfortable just coming up and grabbing our boys from us. They are very bold, it is culturally acceptable here. You have to physically stop them and be politely stern. We have learned this and are on guard! It wears the boys out to be passed around so much. Anyway, one of the ladies that came up to us in this first village looked different. We were in a place where I thought there were no Christians, but she looked familiar... like a sister in Christ. All the ladies dress exactly alike, so it wasn't in her appearance, it was in her face. It was so strange because Jimmy and I thought the same thing. We handed Jonah to her. Later we found out that she and her husband are Christians from a nearby village and had come to help start a work in this community! Being part of God's family transcends all cultural boundaries.
Her husband comes to the KBI training! Please pray for them as they work in this community. That is him on the right next to Rob in the photo below. The other man is Juan (white shirt). He and his family came to know the Lord as a result of hearing the Gospel through the Kekchi radio broadcast. They are the only Christians in the village. This is the testimony he shared with the town while we were there: "I was the deacon of the Catholic church for 15 years. I was serving on Sundays and then drunk on Mondays. It wasn't doing anything for me. Then I got saved. Now I know a God who is helping me grow better each day. Little by little God is helping me change."
Juan invited us into his home and his family made everyone on the team tamales! Please pray for Juan and also the pastor from the neighboring village (I forgot his name) as they work to see more families come to know the Lord.

Village #2: Monja Blanca: 40 families, 1 family has accepted Christ.

Rob (Crossroads' Youth Pastor) sharing why the team came.
It looked as though the entire village came out to see!
Even the men! They were standing in the back listening and watching everything.
Here's the skit, again right in the crowd!
José (in the white) and Domingo were so happy! We were really praying that this group would be a blessing and help to their work and future works.
These were the brave few who were willing to get their picture taken with the gringos!

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