
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Church Activity

We had our first activity for the faithful folks that attend the adult/teen Bible study in Santa Rita. These are the ones who bring their Bibles each week, turn in their devotional sheets, and memorize verses.
Jimmy took them all to Tikal. Everyone fit into 2 micros, there were 34 of us!
This is Eulalio and his family, Rosalino, Jesús and Bernabé. Only Jesús has accepted Christ so far, but they come every week! Please pray that the rest will come to know the Lord soon.)
The ones with the most points even got to go on the zip lines!
Afterwards we all went to Cristina's house, El Encantadero. She cooked hot dogs for everyone. It was a lot of fun. This wasn't an outreach, it was a get to know you better and just have fun with those who want to learn more about God. We loved it and so did they!
It was exciting to look around the room and see people who knew nothing of God before we came. Their lives are changed because God led us to come here! So thankful!
I love Bernabé. She is always checking on me and the boys.
Before we left we worshipped together and had a brief testimony time.
We are going to have to plan another activity soon. I loved having everyone together!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: The majority of our people had never been to Tikal. Jimmy has been over a dozen times. Guides are expensive, so after reading up on things, he is the guide for our groups. He got some looks this time though. It's normal to see a Guatemalan leading around a bunch of gringos, but not a bunch of Guatemalans listening to a gringo! It probably was a first.


  1. That day was so great! I loved it soooo much and those are such wonderful memories. I know that Santa Rita is the village youguys work in, but I will frequent it often to see all those people! I look forward to returning soon!
