
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Kekchi Mission in Poptún

This past weekend was one José and Domingo have been preparing for for a long time now. Poptún is the 3rd largest city in Petén and it is from there that we begin most of our journeys to the unreached Kekchi villages here. Because it is the the doorway to these villages, many Kekchi people live here when they leave their villages to find a job. It is amazing that until this past weekend there wasn't a single Kekchi speaking church in Poptún of any denomination or religion.
José and Domingo have been saving their own money and their vision has been for a while now to start a Kekchi church in Poptún. They finally felt like they had enough. They found a man to be the pastor of this new area, coordinated everything with the mayor to use the town square and even got another church from 1 hr away to come and help with canvassing the area and participating in the services with their band. We helped with the finances and also donated some Bibles for this outreach.
Pastor Mateo is in the center addressing the people.
Pastor Winder is in the tie. José and Domingo paid his trip to come in because he speaks great Spanish as well as Kekchi in case there were spanish speaking people who wanted to listen.
Domingo and I with the new Bibles

Saturday they had a good group come out for the first service. We were able to attend part of the 5 hour service on Sunday afternoon, but we had to leave early to make it to Santa Rita that evening. At the end of the service they had 9 families come to them to give them their addresses and information showing their great interest in being a part of this new church. In the next two weeks they will visit each of these families with the new pastor (Mateo) to coordinate a house to meet in each week. They were able to present a Bible to each family.

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: My mom was asked to listen to Marcos' lungs who has been having a hard time breathing while he worked. The whole time his "pet" chicken watched closely almost at eye level.

1 comment:

  1. Go, Mel!! Break out the car-kit breathing treatments!!
