
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nothing is Surprising Anymore

Independence Day was Sept 15... yes I am that far behind. It is fun to celebrate with everyone that week, but unfortunately the day of the 15th can get pretty wild. In an effort to lengthen our lives we stay home that day.
These were some of the festivities that week in Santa Rita. 4 out of the 6 kids chosen to carry the flag attend our Bible studies. I thought that was pretty great! Each grade votes for a class representative. Then for the weeks leading up to the 15th you can buy votes for one winner over all. The money goes towards the school.
Three of our girls were competing so we bought an equal amount of votes for each... which wasn't much help to them. If there had been only one we would have been sure to put her on top! Above is Maria.
Out of the three only Maria is Kekchi, but all of the girls had on traditional indigenous dress. This isn't a reflection of these girls, but it is sort of strange to us that for festivities the same Spanish folk that try so hard to separate themselves from the indigenous the rest of the year (and even look down on them) put on indigenous dress to celebrate their heritage on occasions like these. I wonder how the Kekchi there felt about it.
Here is one example of why we stay home on the 15th. Our friend, Luis, who many of you know from visiting here, was shot that night. God protected him and he has since recovered (since I am a month late posting this). Jimmy wrote about it here. Luis has helped us so much since we met him 3 years ago, he is a true friend. We care about him greatly and want more than anything for him to come to know the Lord.

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: Here is another story about one of our "friends". He was an expat that we knew mostly through email. We were really disappointed to get this news.

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