
Monday, November 15, 2010

The Need Is Great

The other day we got to talk a lot with José and Domingo and update the radio ministry that supports them each month. Here's some of what we learned.
José is on the left, Domingo on the right

- They have started a new mission in Agua Negro (pop. 150 families) about 2 hours from San Luis, Petén. Average attendance is 39. Another mission close to there in Zapote (pop. 300 families) has an average attendance of 110. This month they are going to open a building instead of meeting in a house.

- Three families from the village of Espolóm have been calling the radio station expressing interest in accepting Christ. José and Domingo have never been to this village before but think they saw a sign once. So far there hasn't been time in their busy schedules to go and visit here yet and they do not have time to start a mission here for the new believers either.

- José and Domingo would both like to move to Poptún. Almost every trip they make begins here. They spend 36 hours a month just in travel time to get here from their villages on the other side of Petén, and that's before their several hours of driving into the interior. This also costs them around Q1,200/month in gas, let alone the food and hotel costs. After doing some checking, they could buy a double lot for Q60,000 (around $8,000). They said that if they had help from somebody to buy the land, they would each build their own house on it. They could each get around Q20,000 by selling the land where they now live, which would cover the cost of materials to build their houses. (By house we mean a two room building with wooden sides, sheet metal roof and a concrete floor.) Their wives are also on board because it would give the guys more time with their families.

- They are also looking for a 4x4 pickup. A 1994 Toyota costs around $7,000. They have several missions that they won't be able to visit until March because of the roads.

Please pray for these needs. If you get a chance, click the "prayed for" button below. Thanks!

Bet you can't guess what is on top of this micro...
a DOG! The poor thing wasn't allowed in the micro so I guess someone had the idea to wrap him up in a sack and tie him to the top. I hope he made it.

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