
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Equipping Nationals

49 national Kekchi pastors came to the January module of KBI.
Jimmy taught on Spiritual Gifts. Beyond being helpful in a practical sense, it helped them be able to defend their faith. When men from their churches travel to the city they hear about the emotional experiences that some churches there are marketing rather than theology. They return to their village with questions that these pastors are unable to answer. They have been asking for a course that covered this for some time, so Jimmy was able to go into preparing for this class already knowing some of the issues these pastors were dealing with.
James taught on the book of Ruth. He taught it all in Kekchi, so all we know is that the men liked it!
The second day the pastors had the idea of recording his class so that they could air it over the radio since it was in Kekchi, so thousands got to enjoy it!
We are so thankful that James was willing to come down and teach. He loves Kekchi people. We saw it, the pastors saw it, and that was a blessing to us and our ministry.
Some of the wives always come too. Here is Mateo, the pastor in Poptún, with his wife; Domingo and his wife Candelaria, missionary to the unreached East half of Petén; and Oscar and his wife who translated for Jimmy's class.

Since so many Kekchi people attend our Bible study in Santa Rita we had him share his testimony and sing in Kekchi. We love to watch their reactions as the gringo opens his mouth and their heart language comes out! They just can't believe it!
Something really special happened during this session of KBI. We will share more about it later in the week, but we believe it was a turning point for our ministry with the Kekchi here.

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: This was taken on a main street in Santa Elena. This is one of our new lights, set on a timer that you can see counting down = recipe for collisions. If you turn right at this intersection you are on the causeway to get onto the island of Flores. Do you see the sparks?
There was a man on the sign above welding with sparks falling down on all of the traffic below.

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