
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

The first 3 years that we lived in Petén we spent time with other missionaries here maybe 3 times. There are just not that many up here in Petén. After we got pregnant with the boys I started praying that God would bring more English speaking Christian families into our life for the boys' sake. God answered my prayer. All of us are busy and don't live all that close together, but it is great when we get to set aside time for fellowship.
Stephen and Brenda (in the center with their son Jeffry) invited us and Arlen and Keturah over for New Years Day. Later that evening another new couple in our town came over. We had a wonderful time! We had lunch and dinner there.
Keturah introduced them to their first motorcycle!

Besides just fun, it is really helpful talking with these families. Both couples have built a house here and are raising their children here. They are really honest about things they would have done differently and also good decisions they made that work out well for them. Even though their ministries are different from ours, it is still the same culture, so it is nice the be able to share experiences.

My favorite quote of the day was when Keturah was talking about eliminating salt from her diet in order to live longer. Stephen said, "If salt gets ya I would count that as a win!" (as apposed to being murdered or hit by a stray bullet.) We are all surrounded by so much violence and death due to the drug situation going on right now laughing helps.

So our family had a great day! I hope all of you did as well!

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