
Friday, February 4, 2011

Forever House #4

...our journey to rent free living, all the entertainment minus the headaches.

It was very humbling to have one of our mission teams work on our house. It was an act of kindness and generosity that will be a part of it's foundation forever... because they really did pour the foundation! There are so many parts of our forever home that are sort of a memorial that will remind us of how God worked in our lives at that specific time. I want to remember it all and share it with our boys so that they do not take anything for granted.
Last week Jimmy was able to borrow a cement mixer which, beyond making a slow job a little quicker, made it more consistent and stronger.
{Pastor Andy working}
To have a supporting pastor (more than that, he's our friend) come down and pour concrete for our house meant a lot to us.
These guys worked hard!
{Our Foundation}
The team also dug our septic tank and leach field.
Thank you to Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church for sending this team and thank you to everyone who came! I plan on posting their work on our building in Santa Rita soon.

Another blessing is that, for Christmas, a church in Topeka gave us money that they wanted us to use half for the ministry and half on something personal. We used the personal gift to purchase a water softener/purifier kit. It is large enough to purify the water for our entire house.
{Water Softener}
That is so exciting for us. That means brushing your teeth out of the faucet, who cares if you swallow water in the shower, and our boys get to take a bath with no worries... yes, we are going to have a bathtub! And no more destructive calcium!
{Water purifier}
Thank you to Central Park Christian Church for this wonderful gift!

We have a small list of very good local restaurants where we will take our teams. We worked hard narrowing down that list. I even went through several series of amoeba pills to get that list! But that list NEVER fails us. Well... my husband someone strayed from the list. They had good reason but still! We got a call from a restaurant NOT on the list saying that they wanted our team to be their honored guests for a meal "on the house". The catch is that it's a place you really shouldn't say "no" to (wink, wink). I just do not care for the food at this place and it literally takes over an hour after you order your food for something to come out of the kitchen. Well this meal proved to be the same. Beyond that, first it was that they wanted to serve 2 meals "on the house" instead of the 7 that they had specifically said on the phone, then it was we will serve 7 meals "on the house" of eggs and beans, then it was 7 meals "on the house" of steak or chicken (which when we paid it was only 5, but who wants to argue). Each time it was like we had never had the previous conversation... very weird and there was nothing lost in translation, it would have been weird in any language. Whoever's idea all of this was never communicated with the staff evidently.

We had sort of suspected that they invited us so that they could have a photo op of gringos eating at their restaurant for their advertisements. We were ok with that... until they brought out complementary daiquiris for us to pose with. We explained that it was very nice but that we don't drink, to which they replied, you don't have to drink it, just pose with it! Well you know that didn't happen, but it was entertaining none the less. That was one crazy supper!


  1. Thankful for the water softener/purifier too! And yay for baths!

  2. That's awesome about the water purifier! That is going to be a huge benefit to the house. I love seeing the walls up around your property. :D So exciting!
